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Our Services

Residential Services

Starlight provides 24 hour care and support to 50+ individuals with Title XIX I/DD Waiver funding in 1-3 person settings in the Huntington area.  


       Supported Employment

        Starlight assists individuals with obtaining employment and development training goals to perform              duties.


Person-Centered Support Services

We employ trained Direct Support Professionals to provide 24/7 protective oversight, training, and care under the direction of a Behavior Support Professional. All of our employees must pass a drug screening and submit to a full criminal background investigation, which is reviewed and approved by the WVCARES program through the West Virginia Office of the Inspector General prior to employment.


Nursing Services 

Each individuals medical needs will be assessed during admission, and a licensed Registered Nurse (RN) will evaluate needs and provided training and services.  Specific nurse training areas may address medication, side effects, alternative choices, medical diagnosis and prognosis, proper lifting techniques, hygiene and daily living issues affecting health. 


Qualified Intellectual Disabilities Professionals

All training services will be monitored by our staff who meet the guidelines for credentialing under Medicaid Chapter 503. Behavioral Support Professionals will provide an assessment of the individual's life goals and determine specific training needed to assist with the achievement of those goals. Additionally, plans are created for those with maladaptive behaviors to integrate into their community. 

Group Home Services

We currently support three Group Homes to meet the specific needs of individuals. 


Marshall House

  • 4 Bed I/DD Waiver Medically Fragile Group Home​​​


  • Support services are individualized and provided by qualified staff to help each individual achieve their goals.


  • Now accepting referrals. 



Orion Forensic Group Home

  • 3 Bed Adult Forensic Home 

  • Provides 24-hour staffing and specialized supervision for court ordered I/DD Individuals.

  • Partly funded through a grant with the WV Department of Health and Human Resources.



Phoenix Behaviorally Intensive Group Home

  • 3 Bed Adult Home for I/DD adults with intensive behavioral needs


  • Provides 24-hour staffing and specialized behavioral supervision by by a qualified intellectual disabilities professional with over 20 years experience working with individuals with intellectual disabilities.


  • This home has increased staff training due to behavioral challenges, 24-hour video surveillance and direct oversight by the BSP. 


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